Break ke Baad, an Indian movie directed by Danish Aslam is basically about a couple and the film portrayed quite an unconventional pairing by casting the dashing Imran Khan as Abhay Gulati and Deepika Padukone as Aaliya Khan for the first time. The film basically explains the relation of a boy and a girl, and they both were used to be friends since they were four years old. Their friendship turned into love when they were 15 years old, and this thing was realized by Abhay that Aaliya was the right girl for her. Whereas the purpose of Aaliya’s life was to become an actress and she is unmindful of what or who comes in her way. Abhay was still unsure that whether he should disclose it to Aaliya or else he should compete with Aaliya’s unceasing plans and projects to fulfill her dream. So their relationship blooms due to their personality differences, both the people go in a mode to be silent. Things turned worst when Aaliya decided to go to Australia to study and Abhay has to deal with the long distance relationship with her whereas on the other side he was secretly feared of losing Aaliya forever. This time Abhay decided to leave his life on fate and luck and parted away from Aaliya. The choices Abhay Aaliya made lead them to test their relationship. Aaliya risks everything and everyone she loves only to realize that there is no joy in achieving one's dreams if one has no one to share it with. Abhay risks losing every shred of his ego, dignity and self-respect only to realize that there is no bigger high than seeing your dream come to life, brick by brick. They make mistakes, deal with disappointments, even lose each other – and become stronger individually. Break Ke Baad is not just a coming of age film, but a film about couples growing up - together. In a fickle world where relationships break up on the smallest of differences, Abhay and Aaliya manage to save theirs despite geographical ones. Overall the movie brought a new idea of having a break up and living apart from the ones you love.
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